About the show.
Truth may have died in the disaster. Two women are confined and forced to paint the landscape that may have once been. One of them is Margaret. The other is Lying Lydia, so called because everything she says is a lie. How do you know? Listen, you can hear her thinking. Like they said you would.
In the mold of Churchill and Fórnes, Lying Lydia is a mysterious chamber work featuring masterful performances from some of Caborca’s veteran actors, as well as an original soundscape by Keenan Hurley.
Lying Lydia has been performed in both English and Spanish.
2018 November Festival Pueblos-Escena, Ciego de Ávila, Cuba
2018 July Loisaida Center, NYC (Staged reading)
Written by Javier Antonio González
Directed by Javier Antonio González and David Skeist
Set by Jian Jung
Lighting by Jeanette Oi-Suk Yew and Christina Tang
Sound by Keenan Hurley
2018 Cast
Laura Butler Rivera • Yaremis Félix • Pelé Sánchez Tormes / Tania Molina
Photo by Jody Christopherson
Photo by Jody Christopherson
Photo by Jody Christopherson
Photo by Jody Christopherson
What People Are Saying
“Diversa, subjetiva, hasta extraña en una mirada superficial, pero dejó abierta múltiples posibilidades para la interpretación. Sin olvidar que nos puso de frente a un teatro de matices sicológicos y, por ende, más difícil de “degustar”.
— Ailén Castilla Padrón, Periódico Invasor